Ground-water reconnaissance of the central Weber River area, Morgan and Summit Counties, Utah

Technical Publication 77
Prepared by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with The Utah Department of Natural Resources Division of Water Rights
By: , and 



During July 1978 to June 1980, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a reconnaissance of ground-water conditions and ground- and surface-water relationships in the central Weber River area. This reconnaissance was done in cooperation with the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights.

The study area is a series of mountain valleys along the Weber River in the Wasatch Ranqe and between the Wasatch Range and the Uinta Mountains in north-central Utah (fig. 1). As defined for this study, the area includes the Weber River drainage from Hoytsville, just south of Coalville, to the western boundary of Morgan County at the western front of the Wasatch Range (pl. 1). The East Canyon Creek tributary drainage is included from the Weber River to the Morgan County-Summit County line. The study focused on the major valleys along and tributary to the Weber River with less emphasis on the upland tributary areas.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype Other Government Series
Title Ground-water reconnaissance of the central Weber River area, Morgan and Summit Counties, Utah
Series title Technical Publication
Series number 77
Year Published 1984
Language English
Publisher Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights
Publisher location Salt Lake City, UT
Contributing office(s) Utah Water Science Center
Description vi, 70 p.
Country United States
State Utah
County Morgan County, Summit County
Other Geospatial Weber River Basin
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