Ground water in the alluvium of Elk Creek basin, Oklahoma

Bulletin 28
Prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board



The Elk Creek basin comprises 584 square miles in Washita, Beckham, and Kiowa Counties. The basin is typical of southwestern Oklahoma with nearly level plains broken by gentle rolling hills and low escarpments, except for the extreme southern part, where seven granite and gabbroic knobs and ridges of the Wichita Mountains protrude. The alluvium averages 40 feet in thickness and is restricted to the flood plain of Elk Creek and its major tributaries. The upper part of the alluvium is predominantly silt and clay. The lower part is predominantly very fine to medium sand. The flood plain is bounded by bedrock of Permian age except in T. 5 N. where it is bounded also by sporadic knobs and ridges composed of Precambrian rocks. Recharge to the alluvium is principally through infiltration of precipitation and surface runoff from adjacent highlands, and through percolation from the Quartermaster Formation in the northern part of the basin. Discharge is principally by seepage into the creek and transpiration by vegetation. Discharge by pumpage is small, principally for domestic and stock supply.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype State or Local Government Series
Title Ground water in the alluvium of Elk Creek basin, Oklahoma
Series title Bulletin
Series number 28
Year Published 1965
Language English
Publisher Oklahoma Water Resources Board
Publisher location Oklahoma City, OK
Description 12 p.
Country United States
State Oklahoma
Other Geospatial Elk Creek Basin
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