Population of the Fukien region is estimated from census figures
(1928-1935) for Fukien, Kiangsi, Chekiang, and Kwangtung Pro vlnces
at 15 to 20 ipillion. At the coast are several important cities:
Min-hou (390,363 inhabitants), Ssu-ming (219,974), Pfu-tlien,
Chin-chiang, and Lung-chfi. Nmerous towns and villages are
scattered throughout the region.
- B. Climate is wann humid temperate in the north and hmid subtropical
in the south. Typhoons occur in late summer, especially in the
area from Min-hu north. Precipitation averages 40 to 80 inches
per year; It is generally highest in the interior. Mean monthly
tamperature range is 55O to 850 F at coast; greater range inland