A limited effort study was conducted in Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park to determine the trophic status and assess whether non-point nutrients were leaching into the lake and affecting biological resources. The concentration of chlorophyll a, total nitrogen concentration, and Secchi disk transparency used as parameters of the Trophic Status Index revealed that Lake Crescent in Olympic National Park was in the oligotrophic range. Evaluation of the nitrogen to phosphorous ration revealed that nitrogen was the nutrient limiting to overall lake productivity. Single species and community bioassays indicated that other nutrients, possibly iron, had some secondary control over community composition of the algal community. Assessment of six near-shore sites for the presence and effects of non-point nutrients revealed that La Poel Point which formerly was the site of a resort had slightly higher algal bioassay and periphyton response than the other sites. No conditions that would require immediate action by resource management of Olympic National Park were identified. The general recommendations for a long term lake monitoring plan are discussed.