
Devastating tsunami inspires efforts to reduce future tsunami destruction

Earthquakes & Volcanoes (USGS)


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The beacon from landmark Scotch Cap lighthouse pierced the moonless night of April 1, 1946, in Alaska's remote Aleutain Island chain. In the reinforced concrete lighthouse, five men were engaged in various support operations connected with the maintenance of the 80,000 candlepower beam. Perched atop a building constructed 5 years earlier on a bluff 32 feet above sea level, the proud new light rose a total of 92 feet above the swirling restless seas. On a cliff behind the lighthouse, a second building housed the Coast Guard radio-direction-finding station. 

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Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Devastating tsunami inspires efforts to reduce future tsunami destruction
Series title Earthquakes & Volcanoes (USGS)
Volume 19
Issue 2
Year Published 1987
Language English
Publisher U.S Geological Survey
Description 5 p.
First page 60
Last page 64
Country United States
State Alaska
Other Geospatial Unimak Island
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