Ambient tremors in a collisional orogenic belt

Geophysical Research Letters
By: , and 



Deep-seated tectonic tremors have been regarded as an observation tied to interconnected fluids at depth, which have been well documented in worldwide subduction zones and transform faults but not in a collisional mountain belt. In this study we explore the general features of collisional tremors in Taiwan and discuss the possible generation mechanism. In the 4 year data, we find 231 ambient tremor episodes with durations ranging from 5 to 30 min. In addition to a coseismic slip-induced stress change from nearby major earthquake, increased tremor rate is also highly correlated with the active, normal faulting earthquake swarms at the shallower depth. Both the tremor and earthquake swarm activities are confined in a small, area where the high attenuation, high thermal anomaly, the boundary between high and low resistivity, and localized veins on the surfaces distributed, suggesting the involvement of fluids from metamorphic dehydration within the orogen.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Ambient tremors in a collisional orogenic belt
Series title Geophysical Research Letters
DOI 10.1002/2014GL059476
Volume 41
Issue 5
Year Published 2014
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Contributing office(s) Volcano Science Center
Description 7 p.
First page 1485
Last page 1491
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