Pleistocene Lake Bonneville as an analog for extraterrestrial lakes and oceans
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Geomorphic confirmation for a putative ancient Mars ocean relies on analog comparisons of coastal-like features such as shoreline feature attributes and temporal scales of process formation. Pleistocene Lake Bonneville is one of the few large, geologically young, terrestrial lake systems that exemplify well-preserved shoreline characteristics that formed quickly, on the order of a thousand years or less. Studies of Lake Bonneville provide two essential analog considerations for interpreting shorelines on Mars: (1) morphological variations in expression depend on constructional vs erosional processes, and (2) shorelines are not always correlative at an equipotential elevation across a basin due to isostasy, heat flow, wave setup, fetch, and other factors. Although other large terrestrial lake systems display supporting evidence for geomorphic comparisons, Lake Bonneville encompasses the most integrated examples of preserved coastal features related to basin history, sediment supply, climate, and fetch, all within the context of a detailed hydrograph. These collective terrestrial lessons provide a framework to evaluate possible boundary conditions for ancient Mars hydrology and large water body environmental feedbacks. This knowledge of shoreline characteristics, processes, and environments can support explorations of habitable environments and guide future mission explorations.
Publication type | Book chapter |
Publication Subtype | Book Chapter |
Title | Pleistocene Lake Bonneville as an analog for extraterrestrial lakes and oceans |
Chapter | 21 |
DOI | 10.1016/B978-0-444-63590-7.00021-4 |
Volume | 20 |
Year Published | 2016 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Contributing office(s) | Astrogeology Science Center |
Description | 28 p. |
Larger Work Type | Book |
Larger Work Subtype | Monograph |
Larger Work Title | Developments in earth surface processes, Volume 20 |
First page | 570 |
Last page | 597 |