Creation of a full color geologic map by computer: A case history from the Port Moller project resource assessment, Alaska Peninsula: A section in Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1988

Bulletin 1903



Graphics programs on computers can facilitate the compilation and production of geologic maps, including full color maps of publication quality. This paper describes the application of two different programs, GSMAP and ARC/INFO, to the production of a geologic map of the Port Meller and adjacent 1:250,000-scale quadrangles on the Alaska Peninsula. GSMAP was used at first because of easy digitizing on inexpensive computer hardware. Limitations in its editing capability led to transfer of the digital data to ARC/INFO, a Geographic Information System, which has better editing and also added data analysis capability. Although these improved capabilities are accompanied by increased complexity, the availability of ARC/INFO's data analysis capability provides unanticipated advantages. It allows digital map data to be processed as one of multiple data layers for mineral resource assessment. As a result of development of both software packages, it is now easier to apply both software packages to geologic map production. Both systems accelerate the drafting and revision of maps and enhance the compilation process. Additionally, ARC/ INFO's analysis capability enhances the geologist's ability to develop answers to questions of interest that were previously difficult or impossible to obtain.

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Creation of a full color geologic map by computer: A case history from the Port Moller project resource assessment, Alaska Peninsula: A section in Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1988
Series title Bulletin
Series number 1903
DOI 10.3133/70180213
Year Published 1989
Language English
Publisher U.S. Government Printing Office
Publisher location Washington, D.C.
Contributing office(s) Alaska Science Center
Description 10 p.
Larger Work Type Report
Larger Work Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Larger Work Title Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1988 (Bulletin 1903)
First page 96
Last page 103
Country United States
State Alaska
Other Geospatial Alaska Peninsula
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