Holocene climate and climate variability of the northern Gulf of Mexico and adjacent northern Gulf Coast: A review

The Open Paleontology Journal



Marine records from the northern Gulf of Mexico indicate that significant multidecadal- and century-scale variability was common during the Holocene. Mean annual sea-surface temperature (SST) during the last 1,400 years may have varied by 3°C, and excursions to cold SST coincide with reductions in solar output. Broad trends in Holocene terrestrial climate and environmental change along the eastern portion of the northern Gulf Coast are evident from existing pollen records, but the high-frequency details of climate variability are not well known. Continuous and well-dated records of climate change and climate variability in the western portion of the northern Gulf Coast are essentially lacking.

Information on Holocene floods, droughts, and storm frequency along the northern Gulf Coast is limited. Records of floods may be preserved in continental shelf sediments, but establishing continuity and chronologies for sedimentary sequences on the shelf presents challenges due to sediment remobilization and redeposition during storms. Studies of past storm deposits in coastal lakes and marshes show promise for constructing records of past storm frequency. A recent summary of sea-level history of the northern Gulf Coast indicates sea level was higher than modern sea level several times during the last few thousand years.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Holocene climate and climate variability of the northern Gulf of Mexico and adjacent northern Gulf Coast: A review
Series title The Open Paleontology Journal
DOI 10.2174/1874425700801010007
Volume 1
Year Published 2008
Language English
Publisher Bentham Open
Contributing office(s) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
Description 11 p.
First page 7
Last page 17
Country United States
State Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas
Other Geospatial Gulf of Mexico
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