Survival of aluminum and monel bands on black brant
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Three recoveries of Black Brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) were recently reported in the "Significant Encounters" section of North American Bird Bander (Anon. 1986). At the time of recovery these Brant were 21.5, 22 and at least 22.5 years old. The significance of these recoveries caught my attention as all were of birds banded on the Yukon Delta, Alaska in 1963 by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. In that year bands made of monel metal, a corrosion-resistant alloy consisting mainly of nickel and copper, were used for the first time in anticipation that they would survive significantly longer than standard aluminum bands in the estuarine and marine habitats used by Brant. Follow-up studies of the experimental banding were conducted by the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge of which I was manager from 1964-1975.
Publication type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Title | Survival of aluminum and monel bands on black brant |
Series title | North American Bird Bander |
Volume | 13 |
Issue | 2 |
Year Published | 1988 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Western, Inland, and Eastern Bird Banding Associations |
Contributing office(s) | Alaska Science Center |
Description | 3 p. |
First page | 33 |
Last page | 35 |
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