The vanishing cryovolcanoes of Ceres
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Ahuna Mons is a 4 km tall mountain on Ceres interpreted as a geologically young cryovolcanic dome. Other possible cryovolcanic features are more ambiguous, implying that cryovolcanism is only a recent phenomenon or that other cryovolcanic structures have been modified beyond easy identification. We test the hypothesis that Cerean cryovolcanic domes viscously relax, precluding ancient domes from recognition. We use numerical models to predict flow velocities of Ahuna Mons to be 10–500 m/Myr, depending upon assumptions about ice content, rheology, grain size, and thermal parameters. Slower flow rates in this range are sufficiently fast to induce extensive relaxation of cryovolcanic structures over 108–109 years, but gradual enough for Ahuna Mons to remain identifiable today. Positive topographic features, including a tholus underlying Ahuna Mons, may represent relaxed cryovolcanic structures. A composition for Ahuna Mons of >40% ice explains the observed distribution of cryovolcanic structures because viscous relaxation renders old cryovolcanoes unrecognizable.
Publication type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Title | The vanishing cryovolcanoes of Ceres |
Series title | Geophysical Research Letters |
DOI | 10.1002/2016GL072319 |
Volume | 44 |
Issue | 3 |
Year Published | 2017 |
Language | English |
Publisher | AGU |
Contributing office(s) | Astrogeology Science Center |
Description | 8 p. |
First page | 1243 |
Last page | 1250 |
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