Vigil Network sites: A sample of data for permanent filing

International Association of Scientific Hydrology - Bulletin
By:  and 



The Vigil Network consists of places where observations are made through time to record changes in landscape features over a long period. Resurveys will usually be made once each year or every few years and the period of observation, hopefully, will extend through and beyond the International Hydrological Decade.

Vigil Network sites will usually be chosen to represent some typical feature of a given landscape. In the example shown here, the feature is a small ephemeral channel in a basin of moderate relief underlain by silty sandstone typical of the surrounding area. Vigil sites are not protected from man's influence and indeed may be selected because of the possible or portending cultural influences. In this respect they differ from the Bench Mark Network whose purpose is to make precise observations of hydrologic factors in areas uninfluenced by and protected from man's use.

The factors which might be observed are many and varied. A few might be mentioned here, others are explained at length elsewhere (Miller and Leopold, 1963; Leopold, 1962). Streamchannel position, form, depth, and profile; vegetation in form of transects or quadrats; soil movement on slopes; rock movement on slopes or in channels. These and many more would yield valuable information on changes with time.

To assure permanence of initial field observations, including reference points, bench marks, and cross sections, brief descriptions, maps, and initial data should be filed identically in designated repositories where the data will be made available for inspection by any interested scientist. It is recommended that the designation of two such locations where records of the type here attached will be filed be taken up by the Coordinating Council of the International Hydrological Decade. In designating such repositories it should be recognized that there is no need for elaborate indexing. The main requirement is merely the maintenance of a simple file where the data are stored and can be inspected or copied by any scientist. There need be no special provision for lending or reproduction services.

The present document is an example showing what data, maps, and descriptions should be included in those permanent files at the two repositories. The material in these repositories should be sufficient to permit someone in the indefinite future to find and remeasure the same features described now. Thus the scientific value of the original surveys increases with time, - provided that the descriptions are sufficient to allow a person to find with assurance the original feature in the field.

It must be visualized that a permanent repository must economize in space. Thus, as the example here shows, the filed material is not all of the original field notes but a summary, brief but descriptive.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Vigil Network sites: A sample of data for permanent filing
Series title International Association of Scientific Hydrology - Bulletin
DOI 10.1080/02626666509493401
Volume 10
Issue 3
Year Published 1965
Language English
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Description 10 p.
First page 12
Last page 21
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