Offset-vertical seismic profiling for marine gas hydrate exploration: Is it a suitable technique? First results from ODP Leg 164
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Walkaway vertical seismic profiles were acquired during Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) Leg 164 at the Blake Ridge to investigate seismic properties of hydrate-bearing sediments and the zone of free gas beneath them. An evaluation of compressional (P-) wave arrivals Site 994 indicates P-wave anisotrophy in the sediment column. We identified several shear (S-) wave arrivals in the horizontal components of the geophone array in the borehole and in data recorded with an ocean bottom seismometer deployed at the seafloor. S-waves were converted from P-waves at several depth levels in the sediment column. One of the most prominent conversion points appears to be the bottom simulating reflector (BSR). It is likely that other conversion points are located in the zone of low P-wave reflectivity above the BSR. Modeling suggests that a change of the shear modulus is sufficient to cause significant shear conversion without a significant normal-incidence P-wave reflection.
Study Area
Publication type | Conference Paper |
Publication Subtype | Conference Paper |
Title | Offset-vertical seismic profiling for marine gas hydrate exploration: Is it a suitable technique? First results from ODP Leg 164 |
Volume | 1 |
Year Published | 1997 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Office of Naval Research |
Publisher location | Arlington, VA |
Contributing office(s) | Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center |
Description | 8 p. |
Larger Work Type | Conference Paper |
Larger Work Subtype | Conference Paper |
Larger Work Title | Offshore Technology Conference 29th Annual, Proceedings |
First page | 193 |
Last page | 200 |
Conference Title | Offshore Technology Conference 29th Annual |
Conference Location | Houston, TX |
Conference Date | May 5-8. 1997 |
Country | United States |
State | North Carolina, South Carolina |
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