Economics and petroleum resource appraisal: The case of the Permian basin:

Journal of Petroleum Technology
By: , and 



Estimates of oil and gas resources typically are presented in terms of proved and undiscovered resources. This paper presents a methodology for incorporating economic considerations into resource appraisals for petroleum basins. A cost algorithm is used to calculate estimates of the costs of finding and developing undiscovered oil and gas fields in the Permian basin. The sensitivity of the resource estimates to variations in values of the variables in the costing model was investigated, and the results of this analysis are presented. The model indicates that at prices up to $40/bbl, the total reserves of oil and gas in barrels-of-oil equivalent (BOE's) from future discoveries will be less than 15% of the estimated ultimate recovery from fields discovered before Jan. 1 1975. Only discoveries to a depth of 20,000 ft were included.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Economics and petroleum resource appraisal: The case of the Permian basin:
Series title Journal of Petroleum Technology
DOI 10.2118/7738-PA
Volume 33
Issue 4
Publication Date April 01, 1981
Year Published 1981
Language English
Publisher Society of Petroleum Engineers
Contributing office(s) Eastern Energy Resources Science Center
Description 14 p.
First page 603
Last page 616
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