Interactions and impacts of domesticated animals on cranes in agriculture

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Affiliations of most cranes to humans and agriculture means they often interact with a variety of domestic animals. Those interactions can be beneficial or neutral when domestic animal densities and their impact on wetland or grassland systems are low to moderate, as found in more traditional agricultural practices. The most common interaction is with grazers, primarily domestic ungulates such as cattle, horses, and sheep. Cranes can benefit from the rapid recycling of grassland nutrients, maintenance of open areas, and invertebrate foods that grazers facilitate. Examples of the close interactions among cranes and grazers are found in South Africa, Central Eurasia, China, India, and North America. Overgrazing and direct disturbances from domestic livestock are usually detrimental to cranes and interact with other factors such as altered wetland hydrology, fire, and changing climate. Cranes are most likely to interact with domestic birds in wetlands (ducks and geese) or farm areas (poultry) where they are attracted to areas where the domestic birds are being fed and maintained in large open areas. Risks of disease transmission between domestic birds and cranes are the greatest concern. Dogs associated with humans and agricultural activities are generally a threat where cranes are raising their chicks nearby.

Publication type Book chapter
Publication Subtype Book Chapter
Title Interactions and impacts of domesticated animals on cranes in agriculture
Year Published 2018
Language English
Publisher International Crane Foundation
Contributing office(s) Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Description 11 p.
Larger Work Type Book
Larger Work Title Cranes and agriculture: A global guide for sharing the landscape
First page 72
Last page 82
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
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