Late Quaternary fluvial history of Santa Cruz Island, California, USA
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The geologic history of fluvial systems on Santa Cruz Island (SCI) is complex, involving responses to both allogenic and autogenic forcings. During periods of low or lowering sea level, canyons on the island were eroded and sediment was transported off the island onto the exposed marine shelf. When sea level rose, streams aggraded, building a sedimentary wedge that progressed from the shelf upstream into the canyons. This cycle of erosion and aggradation in response to glacial–interglacial sea-level cycles was likely repeated numerous times during the Quaternary, although clear evidence of only the most recent cycle is present in the island’s alluvial sequences. Christy, Sauces, and Pozo Canyons contain thick packages of fine-grained sediments that were deposited as a result of the interaction between autogenic depositional processes and allogenic forcing of continuous base-level rise. Other canyons on the island either have little alluvial fill due to their steep gradients or are filled with coarse-grained, recent (likely late Holocene) alluvium that covers the older alluvial deposits. Differences in the nature and extent of the alluvial exposures on SCI relative to those on neighboring Santa Rosa Island reflect differences in the local topography, geology, and ranching histories of the 2 islands.
Study Area
Publication type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Title | Late Quaternary fluvial history of Santa Cruz Island, California, USA |
Series title | Western North American Naturalist |
DOI | 10.3398/064.078.0401 |
Volume | 78 |
Issue | 4 |
Year Published | 2017 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum |
Contributing office(s) | Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center |
Description | 19 p. |
First page | 511 |
Last page | 529 |
Country | United States |
State | California |
Other Geospatial | Santa Cruz Island |
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