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This paper presents a cross-hole radar attenuation tomography method based on analysis of the down-shift in the spectrum centroid frequency, and spectral broadening of the received radar signals. The method uses a parameter that combines centroid frequency down shift and variance increase for the projection function to construct the tomography algorithm. In comparison with other methods for estimating attenuation, the frequency down shift method is relatively insensitive to the effects of geometric spreading, antenna coupling, antenna radiation pattern,and instrument response, but the method requires the data to be broad-band so the frequency shift is easily measured. This method is well suited for difference tomography when electrically conductive tracers are used. The method was tested using cross-hole radar data acquired before and during a saline tracer injection experiment at the U.S.Geological Survey’s Fractured Rock Research Site at Mirror Lake, in Grafton County, New Hampshire. The attenuation-difference tomogram clearly outlines the location of the saline tracer within the tomography plane.
Study Area
Publication type | Conference Paper |
Publication Subtype | Conference Paper |
Title | Cross‐hole radar attenuation tomography using a frequency centroid down‐shift method: Consideration of non‐linear frequency dependence of EM wave attenuation |
Year Published | 1997 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Society of Exploration Geophysicists |
Contributing office(s) | Office of Ground Water |
Description | 4 p. |
Larger Work Type | Book |
Larger Work Subtype | Conference publication |
Larger Work Title | SEG technical program expanded abstracts |
First page | 442 |
Last page | 445 |
Conference Title | Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Sixty-Seventh Annual Meeting, |
Conference Location | Dallas, TX |
Conference Date | November 2-7, 1997 |
Country | United States |
State | New Hampshire |
County | Grafton County |
Other Geospatial | Mirror Lake |
Google Analytic Metrics | Metrics page |