Monitoring plans for Louisiana’s system-wide assessment and monitoring program (SWAMP). Version IV
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The System-Wide Assessment and Monitoring Program (SWAMP) has been envisioned as a long-term monitoring program to ensure a comprehensive network of coastal data collection activities is in place to support the development, implementation, and adaptive management of the coastal protection and restoration program within coastal Louisiana. The Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) and Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM) programs have been implemented under SWAMP, while other aspects of system dynamics, including offshore and inland water-body boundary conditions, nontidal freshwater habitats, riverine conditions, risk status, and protection performance, are not presently the subject of CPRA-coordinated (Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority) monitoring. In order to implement these additional aspects of SWAMP, CPRA partnered with The Water Institute of the Gulf and others to develop 1) a programmatic monitoring plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the coastal protection and restoration program on a coastwide scale, and 2) basinwide monitoring plans that will incorporate the elements of the programmatic plan with specific data collection activities designed to capture effects within the basin. Monitoring plans were developed for Barataria Basin, Pontchartrain Region (includes Breton Sound, Pontchartrain and Mississippi River Delta Basins), and the western basins (Calcasieu-Sabine, Mermentau, Teche-Vermilion, Atchafalaya, and Terrebonne) for both the natural and human systems using a process to identify the monitoring variables, objectives, and sampling design. The monitoring variables and objectives identified fall under the general categories of weather and climate, biotic integrity, water quality, hydrology, physical terrain, population and demographics, housing and community characteristics, economy and employment, ecosystem dependency, residential properties protection, and critical infrastructure and essential services protection. A rigorous statistical analysis, examination of modeling needs, and thorough reviews of previous planning and monitoring efforts were conducted to develop the sampling designs for the natural and human system monitoring plans. The plan relies heavily on the use of existing data, thus, coordination with other agencies (e.g., LDEQ , LDWF) and CPRA’s existing monitoring programs (e.g., BICM, CRMS) is critical to the plan’s success. Implementation of the plans will require development of quality control and quality assurance protocols, specific standardized operating procedures for each of the data collection efforts, a data management plan, and a reporting framework to contribute to decision making and reducing uncertainty in management actions.
Study Area
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | Federal Government Series |
Title | Monitoring plans for Louisiana’s system-wide assessment and monitoring program (SWAMP). Version IV |
Series title | Cooperator Report |
Year Published | 2019 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Water Institute of the Gulf |
Contributing office(s) | National Wetlands Research Center |
Description | xiii, 235 p. |
Country | United States |
State | Louisiana |
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