The Finley Site: Antiquity of the Finley Site

American Antiquity



This report is based on two months reconnaissance in the summer of 1941 in the Eden Valley, Wyoming. The work is as yet far from complete and the conclusions presented here must be regarded as tentative. It is hoped that in the future more extensive geological work may be undertaken.

The Finley site provides a promising opportunity for a determination of the age of the Yuma culture. The points and bones described by Dr. Howard occur in a culture layer which has been found in a large dune area, here called the Killpecker dunes. The deposition of the culture layer is one of a series of events in the dune area which can be correlated with the cutting and filling of gravel terraces in the Eden Valley to the west, and these in turn may be related to the glacial chronology in the Wind River Mountains which lie to the north.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title The Finley Site: Antiquity of the Finley Site
Series title American Antiquity
DOI 10.2307/275903
Volume 8
Issue 3
Year Published 1943
Language English
Publisher Society for American Archaeology
Description 7 p.
First page 235
Last page 241
Country United States
State Wyoming
Other Geospatial Eden Valley
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