Mainstems: A logical data model implementing mainstem and drainage basin feature types based on WaterML2 Part 3: HY Features concepts

Environmental Modelling and Software
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The Mainstems data model implements the catchment and flowpath concepts from WaterML2 Part 3: Surface Hydrology Features (HY_Features) for persistent, cross-scale, identification of hydrologic features. The data model itself provides a focused and lightweight method to describe hydrologic networks with minimum but sufficient information. The design is intended to provide a model for data integration that can be used for network navigation and persistent hydrologic indexing (hydrographic addressing) functionality. Mainstems is designed to provide long-term stability with minimal maintenance requirements. The data model is not meant to advance hydrologic process representation or uniquely represent geomorphic characteristics. The principle assumption in Mainstems is that all drainage basins have one - and only one - headwater source area and a single mainstem that flows to a single outlet. Using these base feature types, (headwater, outlet, mainstem, and drainage basin) a nested set of drainage basins - and the associated dendritic network of mainstems - can be identified.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Mainstems: A logical data model implementing mainstem and drainage basin feature types based on WaterML2 Part 3: HY Features concepts
Series title Environmental Modelling and Software
DOI 10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104927
Volume 135
Year Published 2021
Language English
Publisher Elsevier
Contributing office(s) WMA - Integrated Modeling and Prediction Division
Description 104927, 11 p.
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