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Direct measurements of debris-flow hydrograph and flow behavior in remote drainage areas are rare. We infer hydrographs and flow behavior for recent debris flow in bedrock tributaries of the Colorado River from preserved stratigraphic relations, sedimentology and surface morphology of debris fans and evidence of flow-surface elevations. We propose that 3 types of debris-flow hydrographs occur in Grand Canyon: Type I flows have a single debris-flow peak followed by recessional 'hyperconcentrated flow' or streamflow; Type II flows have multiple debris-flow peaks with intervening 'hyperconcentrated flow' and (or) streamflow phases; and Type III flows begin as either Type I or Type II flows, but late-stage recessional streamflow is higher than the stage(s) of the debris-flow phase(s) and extensively reworks debris-flow deposits of buries them beneath streamflow sand and gravel. Field evidence shows that debris-flow peaks last for seconds to minutes, while recessional flows have durations of several hours to a day.
Study Area
Publication type | Conference Paper |
Publication Subtype | Conference Paper |
Title | Debris flows in Grand Canyon National Park: Peak discharges, flow transformations, and hydrographs |
Year Published | 1997 |
Language | English |
Publisher | American Society of Civil Engineers |
Contributing office(s) | Rocky Mountain Regional Office |
Description | 10 p. |
Larger Work Type | Book |
Larger Work Subtype | Conference publication |
Larger Work Title | Proceedings of the 1997 1st international conference on debris-flow hazards mitigation: Mechanics, prediction, and assessment |
First page | 727 |
Last page | 736 |
Conference Title | International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment |
Conference Location | San Francisco, CA |
Conference Date | August 7-9, 1997 |
Country | United States |
State | Arizona |
Other Geospatial | Colorado River, Grand Canyon |
Google Analytic Metrics | Metrics page |