Some notes on the relation of ground‐water levels to pond levels in limestone sinks of southwestern Georgia

Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union



Records of water levels in limesink ponds in southwestern Georgia and of water‐table levels in the vicinity of these ponds are used to demonstrate: (1) some ponds with highly impermeable beds are virtually unaffected by water‐table levels, except when water‐table levels are above the rim of the impervious materials; (2) interchange of water between pond and water table occurs when beds are relatively permeable. Three phases in the relation between pond level and water‐table level are recognized: (1) water‐table level higher than pond level causing groundwater flow into the pond; (2) groundwater level below pond level but in direct contact with it and measurably controlling rate of seepage from the pond; (3) groundwater level below pond level but not in direct contact with it and not appreciably controlling rate of seepage from the pondIn phase (3) the water table has a perceptible mound at a point underneath the pond

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Some notes on the relation of ground‐water levels to pond levels in limestone sinks of southwestern Georgia
Series title Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union
DOI 10.1029/TR035i005p00796
Volume 35
Issue 5
Year Published 1954
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Description 9 p.
First page 796
Last page 804
Country United States
State Georgia
Other Geospatial southwestern Georgia
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