Improving pollinator habitat using mycorrhizal inoculum: Evaluating the impact of differences in remnant and reconstruction mycorrhizas on performance of conservative prairie plant species

US Fish and Wildlife Service, MN Department of Natural Resources

This publication was funded by extramural grants, and has no U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) affiliated authors or editors. Hence, it was not required to conform to the USGS Fundamental Science Practices as described in the USGS Survey Manual .



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Publication type Extramural-Authored Publication Paper
Publication Subtype Extramural-Authored Publication
Title Improving pollinator habitat using mycorrhizal inoculum: Evaluating the impact of differences in remnant and reconstruction mycorrhizas on performance of conservative prairie plant species
Year Published 2022
Language English
Publisher University of Minnesota
Contributing office(s) Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Description HTML Document
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