Comment about the origin of micrinite

Economic Geology



The granular micrinite in coal may result from the same process that acts during the peat stage to form fusain but dispersed humic matter, rather than organized plant tissue, seems to be involved in micrinite formation. The closely sized micrinite granules that occur in cell lumens of fragments of woody tissue in a few Paleozoic coals are exceptional and may be the result of selective infiltration. The morphologic distinction between micrinite and fusinite should not obscure the fundamental genetic relationship of these macerals.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Comment about the origin of micrinite
Series title Economic Geology
DOI 10.2113/gsecongeo.66.8.1153
Volume 66
Issue 8
Year Published 1971
Language English
Publisher Society of Economic Geologists
Description 4 p.
First page 1153
Last page 1156
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