Measurement of physiological responses can reveal effects of ecological conditions on
an animal and correlate with demographic parameters. Ecological conditions for many animal
species have deteriorated as a function of invasive plants and habitat fragmentation. Expansion
of juniper (Juniperus spp.) trees and invasion of annual grasses into sagebrush (Artemisia spp.)
ecosystems have contributed to habitat degradation for Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrococercus
urophasianus (Bonaparte, 1827); hereafter, “Sage-Grouse”), a species of conservation concern
throughout its range. We evaluated relationships between habitat use in a landscape modified by juniper expansion and annual grasses and corticosterone metabolite levels (stress responses) in feces (FCORTm) of female Sage-Grouse. We used remotely sensed data to estimate vegetation cover within hens’ home ranges and accounted for factors that influence FCORTm in other vertebrates, such as age and weather. We collected 36 fecal samples from 22 radio-collared hens during the brood-rearing season (24 May–26 July) in southwestern Idaho 2017–18. Concentrations of corticosterone increased with home range size but decreased with reproductive effort and temperature. The importance of home range size suggests that maintaining or improving habitats that promote smaller home ranges would likely facilitate a lower stress response by hens, which should benefit Sage-Grouse survival and reproduction.