Toward a resilience-based conservation strategy for wetlands in Puerto Rico: Meeting challenges posed by environmental change

By: , and 



Designing conservation strategies in human-dominated landscapes is challenging, owing to complex human-natural systems and evolving societal values. To meet this challenge, a robust, adaptive strategy should have a process for flexible implementation of incremental actions. We describe a hypothetical example for the Rio Grande de Arecibo watershed and coastal wetlands in Puerto Rico to address the first component. The process begins by identifying shared stakeholder objectives. This process benefits from a review of foundational research and knowledge base that includes global forcings and vulnerability of resources of interest. Forcings include climate change and pervasive urban sprawl. We focus on two taxonomic groups with differing life histories but strong dependence on water resource dynamics, another resource valued by humans. We stipulate objectives and multiple actions, but focus on those pertaining to hydro-management as the common thread in our example. We advanced two decision contexts of contrasting complexity, illustrated links between objectives and actions, and highlighted trade-offs triggered by varying resource valuation. Our focus was to highlight various components necessary to frame a resilience-based strategy, but we cannot overemphasize the importance of accommodating institutional and stakeholder changing priorities and values to ensure its successful implementation.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Toward a resilience-based conservation strategy for wetlands in Puerto Rico: Meeting challenges posed by environmental change
Series title Wetlands
DOI 10.1007/s13157-018-1080-z
Volume 39
Year Published 2019
Language English
Publisher Springer Link
Contributing office(s) Coop Res Unit Atlanta
Description 15 p.
First page 1255
Last page 1269
Country United States
State Puerto Rico
Other Geospatial Rio Grande de Arecibo watershed
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