Secular variation in economic geology

Economic Geology
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The temporal pattern of ore deposits on a constantly evolving Earth reflects the complex interplay between the evolving global tectonic regime, episodic mantle plume events, overall changes in global heat flow, atmospheric and oceanic redox states, and even singular impact and glaciation events. Within this framework, a particular ore deposit type will tend to have a time-bound nature. In other words, there are times in Earth history when particular deposit types are absent, times when these deposits are present but scarce, times when they are abundant, and still other times for which we lack sufficient data. Understanding of such secular variation provides a critical first-order tool for exploration targeting, because rocks that have formed or were deformed during a certain time slice may be very permissive for a given deposit type, whereas identification of rocks of less favorable ages would help eliminate large areas during exploration programs. Secular analysis, therefore, is potentially a powerful tool for mineral resource assessment in poorly known terranes, providing a quick filter for favorability of a given deposit type using age of host rocks.

Factors bearing on the known age distribution of a particular type of deposit include the following: (1) uneven preservation, (2) data gaps, (3) contingencies of plate motions, and (4) long-term secular changes in the Earth System. The present special issue of Economic Geology is focused on the latter factor, although all of these are interrelated. The selective preservation of certain mineral deposit types and the greater susceptibility for shallowly formed ores in tectonically active environments to be lost to erosion define a pattern that is superimposed on the secular formational trends (e.g., Groves et al., 2005a, b; Kerrich et al., 2005). With improved geochronological methods and the availability of information on important mineral deposits from most parts of the world, data gaps for defining broad temporal distributions of ore types are becoming smaller. It has been increasingly recognized that ore deposit formation is also correlated with plate tectonic setting. Nevertheless, a complex Earth history of supercontinent assembly and breakup has led to the fragmentation of many Paleozoic and Precambrian mineral provinces. The use of plate reconstructions in economic geology, although extremely controversial and conjectural before the late Paleozoic, is critical for defining these provinces prior to the added complications resulting from post-ore plate motions.

It is now well established that the temporal patterns of many types of mineral deposits (Fig. 11) reflect the formation or break-up of supercontinents and the preservation potential of deposits formed during these periods (Barley and Groves, 1992; Titley, 1993; Kerrich et al., 2005; Goldfarb et al., 2009). Approximate time periods for such formation and break-up, respectively, include 2800–2500 and 2450–2100 Ma for Kenorland, 2100–1800 and 1600–1300 Ma for Nuna/Columbia, 1300–1100 and 850–600 Ma for Rodinia, and 600–300 Ma and 200–60 Ma for Gondwanaland-Pangea. A new supercontinent, Amasia, has begun to form during the past 250 m.y., thus overlapping Pangea break-up. Many of the formation-preservation patterns are themselves controlled by progressive cooling of Earth, the change from a mantle-plume buoyancy style to subduction-dominated tectonics, a decreasing buoyancy of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle, and depth of ore formation. In general, orogenic Au, volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), epithermal Au-Ag, and porphyry Cu±Au and Mo porphyry deposits form in active margins during periods of supercontinent assembly. Numerous other ore deposit types show an association with supercontinent formation, but develop inland of the active margin. These include many of the MVT Pb-Zn deposits and unconformity-type U deposits. The Tertiary Carlin-type deposits within the deformed shelf sequences along the North American craton margin also appear to have formed during the ongoing growth of Amasia. Those ores associated with periods of supercontinent breakup or attempted breakup are more difficult to define. They probably include diamond, Bushveld-type Ni-Cu-PGE, IOCG, and clastic-dominated Pb-Zn (or SEDEX) deposits in intracontinental areas of failed rifting, and other clastic-dominated Pb-Zn deposits in areas of actual breakup. In all cases, however, these temporal/spatial distributions are ultimately controlled by the secular character of Earth history.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Secular variation in economic geology
Series title Economic Geology
DOI 10.2113/gsecongeo.105.3.459
Volume 105
Issue 3
Year Published 2010
Language English
Publisher Society of Economic Geologists
Contributing office(s) Alaska Science Center
Description 7 p.
First page 459
Last page 465
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