Planetary Aeolian landforms: An introduction to the Fifth Planetary Dunes Workshop Special Issue

JGR Planets
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Aeolian landforms are widespread in our solar system. Understanding the exact nature and processes of formation of these features are challenging tasks necessitating a strong collaboration between scientists with different skills and scientific backgrounds. This paper describes the special issue for the 5th International Planetary Dunes Workshop, which includes 15 research papers and three commentaries. Among the 18 papers included in this collection, 16 cover Martian aeolian science and two Titan aeolian science. The papers presented focus on bedform morphology and dynamics via remote sensing data, modelling, analogues studies and laboratory experiments. Here we put the main results of the papers in their appropriate scientific context and discuss potential future lines of research.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Planetary Aeolian landforms: An introduction to the Fifth Planetary Dunes Workshop Special Issue
Series title JGR Planets
DOI 10.1029/2022JE007198
Volume 127
Issue 4
Year Published 2022
Language English
Publisher Wiley
Contributing office(s) Astrogeology Science Center
Description e2022JE007198, 15 p.
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