Solute transport and modeling of water quality in a small stream

Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey
By: , and 



An injection of chloride, sodium, and stable strontium was made at a constant rate for 3 hours into Uvas Creek, Santa Clara County, Calif., to determine the mass transport processes in a small stream. Five observation points were selected within a 610-metre reach of the stream below the injection site. Water samples were collected at the observation points during and immediately after the injection. A mathematical model of the stream was obtained by solving analytically and optimally the one-dimensional mass transport equation of the solutes in the stream. Comparison of field results with a simplified mathematical model indicates the dominance of convection in the behavior of sodium and chloride. The concentration of chloride and sodium can be closely simulated by the model. However, strontium cannot be well represented by the simplified model, which contains a first-order decay-type sink.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Solute transport and modeling of water quality in a small stream
Series title Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey
Year Published 1976
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description 8 p.
First page 233
Last page 240
Country United States
State California
County Santa Clara County
Other Geospatial Uvas Creek
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