Anomalous noble gas solubility in liquid cloud water: Possible implications for noble gas temperatures and cloud physics

Water Resources Research
By: , and 



The noble gas temperature climate proxy is an established tool that has previously been applied to determine the source of groundwater recharge, however, unanswered questions remain. In fractured media (e.g., volcanic islands) recharge can be so rapid that groundwater is significantly depleted in heavy noble gases, indicating that the water has retained noble gas concentrations from higher elevations. Previous studies of rain samples have confirmed a match to patterns seen in fractured-rock groundwater for heavy noble gases along with a significant helium excess. Snow has been shown to be a credible source for both the helium excess and the observed heavy noble gas pattern. Here, liquid cloud water samples were collected at two mountainous sites and analyzed for noble gas concentrations. A pattern like that of rainwater was found. However, an analysis of diffusive uptake of noble gases into cloud water demonstrates that droplets of 1 mm diameter and smaller should be in constant solubility equilibrium with the atmosphere. To explain this, we present a novel hypothesis that relies on the assumption that liquid water consists of two types of water molecule clusters bounded by hydrogen bonds: a low-density ice-like structure and a high-density condensed structure. In this model, the pressure gradient near the surface of a droplet resulting from surface tension could allow for the formation of a surface layer that is rich in ice-like low density clusters. This can explain both the helium excess and the heavy noble gas depletion seen in the samples.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Anomalous noble gas solubility in liquid cloud water: Possible implications for noble gas temperatures and cloud physics
Series title Water Resources Research
DOI 10.1029/2020WR029306
Volume 57
Issue 12
Year Published 2021
Language English
Publisher Wiley
Contributing office(s) WMA - Earth System Processes Division
Description e2020WR029306, 19 p.
Country United States
Other Geospatial Puerto Rico
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