Blue Ribbon Lineament, an east-trending structural zone within the Pioche mineral belt of southwestern Utah and eastern Nevada

Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey
By: , and 



The Blue Ribbon lineament is an east-west structural zone that is about 25 kilometers wide and passes through the Pioche mineral belt at about 38°10' N. It is best known in Utah, where it is at least 190 km long, and extends from the southern Sevier Plateau in the High Plateaus westward and across southern Mountain Home (Needle) Range in the Great Basin. It probably continues westward an additional 170 km into Nevada, where it connects with the eastern end of the 230-km Warm Springs lineament. The Blue Ribbon lineament is defined by range terminations and east-trending valleys, alinement of eruptive centers of middle Miocene (20 million years) to Pliocene(?) (5-1.8 m.y.) alkalic rhyolite, alinement of areas of middle Miocene to Pliocene mineralized rocks (mostly fluorine, uranium, tungsten) and hydrothermally altered rocks, east-trending magnetic highs and interruptions of magnetic anomalies, and east-striking basin-range faults of late Tertiary and Quaternary age. Mountains south of the lineament are topographically and structurally lower than those to the north. North-striking Quaternary basin-range faults, the Thermo hot springs area, several warm springs and former hot springs, and numerous dacitic to andesitic volcanic centers of early to middle Miocene age (26-20 m.y.) occur along the lineament. The Blue Ribbon lineament is believed to be a deep crustal fault zone dating from at least middle Miocene time and possibly much earlier. It thus developed generally coincident with northerly trending classical basin-range faults. Its fracture system was an important, long-lived conduit for mineralizing fluids, and it should be an attractive target for minerals exploration in the future. The lineament could be due to an east-trending warp in the subducting mantle plate, or it could be part of a past or present intracontinental transform fault that locally gets younger eastward and dies out eastward in the western Colorado Plateaus province.

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Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Blue Ribbon Lineament, an east-trending structural zone within the Pioche mineral belt of southwestern Utah and eastern Nevada
Series title Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey
Volume 6
Issue 2
Year Published 1978
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description 18 p.
First page 175
Last page 192
Country United States
State Utah
Other Geospatial Pioche mineral belt
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