Guidelines for finding nests of passerine birds in tallgrass prairie

Prairie Naturalist
By: , and 



The productivity of birds is one of the most critical components of their natural history affected by habitat quality. Birds might occur at high densities in a given habitat patch but have low nesting success. Such "population sinks" would not be detected if observers relied solely on estimates of bird density. Therefore, it is essential to monitor nests and determine their outcomes. Although interest in grassland-nesting passerines has increased greatly during the last decade, we still know little about factors affecting their nesting success. To stimulate more research in this area, we summarize several methods for nest-searching and provide suggestions for optimizing its success in tall grass prairie. As a case study, we provide some data from a study on grassland-nesting birds in the northern tallgrass prairie.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Guidelines for finding nests of passerine birds in tallgrass prairie
Series title Prairie Naturalist
Volume 35
Issue 3
Year Published 2003
Language English
Publisher Great Plains Natural Science Society
Contributing office(s) Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Description 15 p.
First page 197
Last page 211
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