Spout Run temperature study revisited- Part II: New insights for trout habitat from TU & USGS collaboration 2022

Lateral Lines



The Winchester TU Chapter partnered with US Geological Survey scientists to forecast habitat conditions for brook trout in Virginia. The results can be viewed here: https://chesapeake.usgs.gov/fishforecast/

TU members deployed stream temperature gages within several streams across the region: Dry River, Passage Creek, Spout Run, Beaver Creek, Mossy Creek. The USGS then used the temperature data to evaluate current and future conditions for brook trout. 

Study Area

Publication type Newsletter
Publication Subtype Newsletter
Title Spout Run temperature study revisited- Part II: New insights for trout habitat from TU & USGS collaboration 2022
Series title Lateral Lines
Issue June 2022
Year Published 2022
Language English
Publisher Trout Unlimited, Winchester Chapter #638
Contributing office(s) Eastern Ecological Science Center
Description 2 p.
First page 8
Last page 9
Country United States
State Virginia
Other Geospatial Spout Run
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
Additional publication details