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Soils play a strong role in determining how New Mexico’s diverse landscapes will respond to climate change. Soil cover acts like a sponge, holding in water that falls as rain or snow. The presence of soil supports vegetation, and substantially reduces runoff and erosion. Soil enhances other processes such as infiltration of water and aquifer recharge. Soils can be damaged by a warming climate. Loss of vegetation in the Northwest High Desert and Eastern Plains, where soils are not well developed and easily damaged, will lead to dustier conditions in much of the state. On mountain hillslopes, the loss of vegetation cover in response to ongoing climate change will increase soil erosion, which then increases hillslope runoff. This, in turn, causes additional increases in soil erosion and bedrock exposure, which can largely prevent widespread recolonization by most plants, including trees. Soils on mountain hillslopes that face south, which are typically hotter and drier, will be damaged sooner by a warming climate than those on generally north-facing hillslopes that are slightly cooler and moister. Soils take many thousands of years to form, so these hillslopes will increasingly support sparse forests, or, in some circumstances, be entirely deforested. These changes are already well underway in some mountains in New Mexico.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype State or Local Government Series
Title Soils
Chapter V
Year Published 2022
Language English
Publisher New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
Contributing office(s) New Mexico Water Science Center
Description 14 p.
Larger Work Type Report
Larger Work Subtype State or Local Government Series
Larger Work Title Climate change in New Mexico over the next 50 years: Impacts on water resources (Bulletin 164)
First page 55
Last page 68
Country United States
State New Mexico
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