Wetland biomass production, decomposition, and storage of organic matter govern
estuarine energy transfer, in addition to determining the physical sustainability of marshes
exposed to sea-level rise and subsidence. Peak standing biomass represents an indicator
of wetland production or productivity but does not account for turnover (production and
decomposition) of different pools of biomass with time. Understanding the nutrient status
of plant biomass can be particularly helpful in diagnosing what constituents may be
limiting wetland production. The biomass and nutrient measures described in the
following field/laboratory data collection procedures are designed to provide the raw data
to support predictive ecosystem models, as well as answer basic wetland process
questions that will help inform restoration decisions.
The following procedures outline the field and laboratory methods to collect vegetation
biomass and other plant or soil characteristics as needed for the SWAMP. The sampling
design incorporates expanded collection from predefined target plant species that
typically occur within selected CRMS stations. CPRA will provide instructions regarding
any data collection adjustments that may deviate from the general steps provided herein.