Spatial estimates of soil moisture for understanding ecological potential and risk: a case study for arid and semi-arid ecosystems

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Soil temperature and moisture (soil-climate) affect plant growth and microbial metabolism, providing a mechanistic link between climate and growing conditions. However, spatially explicit soil-climate estimates that can inform management and research are lacking. We developed a framework to estimate spatiotemporal-varying soil moisture (monthly, annual, and seasonal) and temperature-moisture regimes as gridded surfaces by enhancing the Newhall simulation model. Importantly, our approach allows for the substitution of data and parameters, such as climate, snowmelt, soil properties, alternative potential evapotranspiration equations and air-soil temperature offsets. We applied the model across the western United States using monthly climate averages (1981–2010). The resulting data are intended to help improve conservation and habitat management, including but not limited to increasing the understanding of vegetation patterns (restoration effectiveness), the spread of invasive species and wildfire risk. The demonstrated modeled results had significant correlations with vegetation patterns—for example, soil moisture variables predicted sagebrush (R2 = 0.51), annual herbaceous plant cover (R2 = 0.687), exposed soil (R2 = 0.656) and fire occurrence (R2 = 0.343). Using our framework, we have the flexibility to assess dynamic climate conditions (historical, contemporary or projected) that could improve the knowledge of changing spatiotemporal biotic patterns and be applied to other geographic regions. 
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Spatial estimates of soil moisture for understanding ecological potential and risk: a case study for arid and semi-arid ecosystems
Series title Land
DOI 10.3390/land11101856
Volume 11
Issue 10
Year Published 2022
Language English
Publisher MDPI
Contributing office(s) Fort Collins Science Center
Description 1856, 37 p.
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