Mediterranean seabed in digital shaded relief

Eos Science News
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Relief-shaded images made from a large digital depth model (DDM) provide a fresh view of regional tectonism and submarine geomorphology in the central Mediterranean. The 1-km spatial resolution is better than that afforded by the 5-arc-minute worldwide digital bathymetry (DBDB5). These computer pictures enable information on seafloor morphology to be visualized and communicated in much the same way that relief maps made from digital elevation models are used to interpret subaerial topography. The images shown here (partially joined along 19°E) were taken from a new shaded-relief map of the entire Mediterranean seafloor and parts of the Bay of Biscay and Black Sea between latitude 307deg;–46°N and longitude 6°W–37°E.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Mediterranean seabed in digital shaded relief
Series title Eos Science News
DOI 10.1029/90EO00215
Volume 72
Issue 26
Year Published 1991
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Description 2 p.
First page 273
Last page 274
Country Algeria, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Libya, Malta, Tunisia, Turkey
Other Geospatial Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Tyrhennian Sea
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