SUDS: The seismic unified data system

Eos Science News



Our ability to collect high-quality digital data is increasing much more rapidly than our ability to process it. This is partly due to the revolution in digital technology and partly to increased teamwork in building equipment and carrying out major projects such as those fostered in seismology by the IRIS Consortium (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology). The need is now great for a similar level of teamwork in data processing. The Seismic Unified Data System (SUDS) is a foundation suitable for such teamwork in all types of seismic processing, from studies of earthquakes to discrimination of explosions to reflection and refraction studies.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title SUDS: The seismic unified data system
Series title Eos Science News
DOI 10.1029/91EO10289
Volume 73
Issue 35
Year Published 1992
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Description 3 p.
First page 380
Last page 382
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