Synthesis of larval lamprey responses to dewatering: State of the science, critical uncertainties, and management implications

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
By: , and 




Dewatering of fine sediments in rivers and streams can kill many thousands of larval lampreys (order Petromyzontiformes) that are burrowed in these habitats. The larval life stage for lampreys lasts 3–10 years, and because larvae often aggregate in large numbers, negative impacts from dewatering could potentially deplete local populations and affect multiple year-classes. Larval lampreys have not traditionally been considered during instream projects, but recent efforts to increase awareness of lamprey habitats have resulted in guidance on dewatering approaches to limit impacts to lampreys. Salvage efforts to rescue and relocate lampreys aim to mitigate losses, but a lack of understanding of lamprey responses limits the optimization of dewatering and salvage procedures.


We summarize the state of the science for nine factors that influence larval lamprey (Entosphenus and Lampetra spp.) responses to dewatering, including burrowing depth, the prevalence and timing of emergence, movements, survival, shoreline slope, dewatering rate, light, and lamprey size.


Research suggests that (1) shoreline slope influences movement capability, (2) hot and sunny conditions increase the risk of mortality, (3) salvage activities cause minimal direct mortality, and (4) smaller larvae are especially vulnerable to negative impacts from dewatering because they are more likely to emerge and are less capable of movement. Critical uncertainties associated with dewatering include cues that drive emergence, the influence of sediment composition and stratigraphy, vertical distribution of larvae in natural settings, use of the hyporheic zone, the scale of predation losses, and the effectiveness and impacts of salvage activities.


Balancing investments in salvage operations and lamprey exclusion efforts (e.g., screening) and developing field survey approaches to evaluate lamprey use of the hyporheic zone are identified management implications and research needs. Addressing the critical uncertainties discussed here and providing updated, science-based guidance on dewatering and salvage practices are suggested management actions to support lamprey conservation.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Synthesis of larval lamprey responses to dewatering: State of the science, critical uncertainties, and management implications
Series title North American Journal of Fisheries Management
DOI 10.1002/nafm.10924
Volume 43
Issue 6
Year Published 2023
Language English
Publisher American Fisheries Society
Contributing office(s) Western Fisheries Research Center
Description 17 p.
First page 1475
Last page 1491
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