Conduit processes in crystal-rich dacitic magma and implications for eruptive cycles at Guagua Pichincha volcano, Ecuador

Bulletin of Volcanology
By: , and 



Stratovolcanoes are commonly characterised by cyclic eruptive activity marked by transitions between dome-forming, Vulcanian, Subplinian and Plinian eruptions. Guagua Pichincha volcano (Ecuador) has been a location of such cyclicity for the past ~ 2000 years, with Plinian eruptions in the first and tenth centuries AD (Anno Domini/after Christ), and CE (Common Era) 1660, which were separated by dome-forming to Subplinian eruptions, such as the recent 1999–2001 eruption. These cycles are therefore a prominent example of effusive-explosive transitions at varying timescales. Here, we investigate the reasons for such shifts in activity by focusing on degassing and outgassing processes within the conduit. We have coupled a petrophysical and textural analysis of dacites from the CE 1660 Plinian eruption and the 1999–2001 dome-forming/Vulcanian eruption, with different percolation models in order to better understand the role of degassing on eruptive style. We demonstrate that the transition from dome-forming to Plinian activity is correlated with differences in phenocryst content and consequently in bulk viscosity. A lower initial phenocryst content and viscosity is inferred for the Plinian case, which promotes faster ascent, closed-system degassing, fragmentation and explosive activity. In contrast, dome-forming phases are promoted by a higher magma viscosity due to higher phenocryst content, with slower ascent enhancing gas escape and microlite crystallization, decreasing explosivity and yielding effusive activity.

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Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Conduit processes in crystal-rich dacitic magma and implications for eruptive cycles at Guagua Pichincha volcano, Ecuador
Series title Bulletin of Volcanology
DOI 10.1007/s00445-022-01612-1
Volume 84
Year Published 2022
Language English
Publisher Springer
Contributing office(s) Volcano Science Center
Description 105, 23 p.
Country Ecuador
Other Geospatial Guagua Pichincha volcano
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