Recovery and analysis of ancient beetle DNA from subfossil packrat middens using high-throughput sequencing

Scientific Reports
By: , and 



The study of ancient DNA is revolutionizing our understanding of paleo-ecology and the evolutionary history of species. Insects are essential components in many ecosystems and constitute the most diverse group of animals. Yet they are largely neglected in ancient DNA studies. We report the results of the first targeted investigation of insect ancient DNA to positively identify subfossil insects to species, which includes the recovery of endogenous content from samples as old as ~ 34,355 ybp. Potential inhibitors currently limiting widespread research on insect ancient DNA are discussed, including the lack of closely related genomic reference sequences (decreased mapping efficiency) and the need for more extensive collaborations with insect taxonomists. The advantages of insect-based studies are also highlighted, especially in the context of understanding past climate change. In this regard, insect remains from ancient packrat middens are a rich and largely uninvestigated resource for exploring paleo-ecology and species dynamics over time.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Recovery and analysis of ancient beetle DNA from subfossil packrat middens using high-throughput sequencing
Series title Scientific Reports
DOI 10.1038/s41598-021-91896-8
Volume 11
Year Published 2021
Language English
Publisher Nature
Contributing office(s) Science and Decisions Center
Description 12635, 11 p.
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