A combined compost, dolomite, and endophyte addition is more effective than single amendments for improving phytorestoration of metal contaminated mine tailings

Plant and Soil
By: , and 



Background and aims

Re-vegetation of mining-impacted landscapes reduces transport of toxic elements while improving soil fertility. This study evaluated whether the planting of a native perennial grass with a consortium of diazotrophic microbial endophytes and municipal waste compost—alone and in combination—enhanced plant growth while stabilizing metal(loids) in dolomite-amended tailings from a historically mined polymetallic mineral deposit.


We grew Bouteloua curtipendula seedlings in tailings with hazardous concentrations of As, Cd, Pb, Mn, and Zn. We evaluated how plant growth, organic matter accumulation, and major, minor, and trace element mobilization and phytostabilization responded to microbial endophyte and/or compost amendments after the 45-day growth experiment.


Although most of the added endophytes were not uniquely identified, the best plant growth and fertility outcomes were achieved with a combination of amendments: dolomite to reduce acidity, compost to increase nitrogen, and a mixed consortium endophyte seed coating to synergistically increase organic carbon and grass biomass yields. Compost reduced shoot and root concentrations—but not yields—of contaminant metals. Endophytes increased foliar Cd, Co, Mn, and Pb yields but mobilized Pb and Zn from the tailings. Root stabilization of Cd, Co, Mn did not require amendments.


The most effective means of revegetating these acidic, polymetallic tailings with the native B. curtipendula is with a simultaneous dolomite, compost, and endophyte seed treatment. Due to potential phosphate solubilization and siderophore production by this consortium of endophytes, strategies to capture solubilized metal(loids) may be needed for sulfidic tailings with metal(loids) associated with mobile mineral phases.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title A combined compost, dolomite, and endophyte addition is more effective than single amendments for improving phytorestoration of metal contaminated mine tailings
Series title Plant and Soil
DOI 10.1007/s11104-023-06338-3
Volume 4997
Publication Date November 13, 2023
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher Springer
Contributing office(s) Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
Description 22 p.
First page 219
Last page 240
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