Habitat and dissolved organic carbon modulate variation in the biogeochemical drivers of mercury bioaccumulation in dragonfly larvae at the national scale
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We paired mercury (Hg) concentrations in dragonfly larvae with water chemistry in 29 U.S. national parks to highlight how ecological and biogeochemical context (habitat, dissolved organic carbon [DOC]) influence drivers of Hg bioaccumulation. Although prior studies have defined influences of biogeochemical variables on Hg production and bioaccumulation, it has been challenging to determine their influence across diverse habitats, regions, or biogeochemical conditions within a single study. We compared global (i.e., all sites), habitat-specific, and DOC-class models to illuminate how these controls on biotic Hg vary. Although the suite of important biogeochemical factors across all sites (e.g., aqueous Hg, DOC, sulfate [SO42−], and pH) was consistent with general findings in the literature, contrasting the restricted models revealed more nuanced controls on biosentinel Hg. Comparing habitats, aqueous (filtered) total mercury (THg) and SO42− were important in lentic systems whereas aqueous (filtered) methylmercury (MeHg), DOC, pH, and SO42− were important in lotic and wetland systems. The ability to identify important variables varied among habitats, with less certainty in lentic (model weight (W) = 0.05) than lotic (W = 0.11) or wetland habitats (W = 0.23), suggesting that biogeochemical drivers of bioaccumulation are more variable, or obscured by other aspects of Hg cycling, in these habitats. Results revealed a contrast in the importance of aqueous MeHg versus aqueous THg between DOC-classes: in low-DOC sites (<8.5 mg/L), availability of upstream inputs of MeHg appeared more important for bioaccumulation; in high-DOC sites (>8.5 mg/L) THg was more important, suggesting a link to in-situ controls on bioavailability of Hg for MeHg production. Mercury bioaccumulation (indicated by bioaccumulation factor) was more efficient in low DOC-class sites, likely due to reduced partitioning of aqueous MeHg to DOC. Together, findings highlight substantial variation in the drivers of Hg bioaccumulation and suggest consideration of these factors in natural resource management and decision-making.
Publication type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Title | Habitat and dissolved organic carbon modulate variation in the biogeochemical drivers of mercury bioaccumulation in dragonfly larvae at the national scale |
Series title | Science of the Total Environment |
DOI | 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169396 |
Volume | 912 |
Year Published | 2024 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Contributing office(s) | Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center |
Description | 169396 |
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