Limiting downstream dispersal of invasive carp egg surrogates using a laboratory-scale oblique bubble screen

Journal of Ecohydraulics
By: , and 



We conceptualize and test a non-intrusive barrier, comprised of an oblique bubble screen (OBS) oriented at an angle to the mean flow, to prevent the downstream dispersal of invasive carp egg surrogates. Three surrogates of different densities and diameters were tested. Secondary flows created by the OBS were tuned to redirect surrogate eggs to facilitate their capture. Surface particle image velocimetry and acoustic Doppler velocimetry were used to characterize secondary flows. We assessed the influence of airflow rate, OBS angle, mean flow velocity, and surrogate density on particle redirection. In general, redirection efficiency improves by increasing the OBS angle with respect to the cross-section. At a mean flow velocity of 0.75 metres per second (m/s), the OBS system redirected up to 60% (%) of positively buoyant particles (specific gravity SG = 0.9, and diameter d = 7.09 millimetres [mm]) and 40% of semi-buoyant particles (SG = 1.001, d = 3.1 mm). Negatively buoyant particles (SG = 1.04, and d = 5.90 mm) were redirected by the physical structure of the diffuser rather than by OBS-induced flow. The study shows that an OBS system can be used to effectively redirect carp-egg surrogates over a wide range of particle sizes and densities, allowing for selective targeting of undesired particles in streams.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Limiting downstream dispersal of invasive carp egg surrogates using a laboratory-scale oblique bubble screen
Series title Journal of Ecohydraulics
DOI 10.1080/24705357.2024.2332994
Volume 9
Issue 2
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Contributing office(s) Columbia Environmental Research Center, Central Midwest Water Science Center
Description 20 p.
First page 288
Last page 307
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