Single frequency active hydroacoustic measurements have been correlated with suspended sediment concentration. In river systems that include widely varying suspended sediment particle sizes, a multi-frequency hydroacoustic approach has increased predictive capabilities. However, the multi-frequency approach requires installation and operation of multiple sensors in a river channel and relies on technology previously designed for measuring water velocity. The Horizontal Acoustic Sediment Current Profiler (HASCP) is a single unit multi-frequency (500, 1,500, and 2,000 mHz) hydroacoustic sensor that was designed to target suspended sediment concentrations. The HASCP was briefly deployed in the Rio Grande at Albuquerque, NM, USGS gage in 2021 and is currently (2022) in operation at the Colorado River near Cameo, CO gage. Results of preliminary testing of the HASCP are presented in this paper.