CoastSeg: An accessible and extendable hub for satellite-derived-shoreline (SDS) detection and mapping

Journal of Open Source Software
By: , and 



CoastSeg is an interactive browser-based program that aims to broaden the adoption of satellite-derived shoreline (SDS) detection and coastal landcover mapping workflows among coastal scientists and coastal resource management practitioners. SDS is a sub-field of coastal sciences that aims to detect and post-process a time-series of shoreline locations from publicly available satellite imagery. CoastSeg is a python package installed via pip into a conda environment that serves as an API for building custom SDS workflows. CoastSeg also provides full SDS workflow implementations via jupyter notebooks and python scripts that call functions and classes in the core CoastSeg API for specific workflows. Two fully functioning SDS workflows are already provided, and more could be added by collaborators in the SDS software community. All API codes, notebooks, scripts, and documentation are hosted on the CoastSeg GitHub repository.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title CoastSeg: An accessible and extendable hub for satellite-derived-shoreline (SDS) detection and mapping
Series title Journal of Open Source Software
DOI 10.21105/joss.06683
Volume 9
Issue 99
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher Open Source Software
Contributing office(s) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Description 6683, 9 p.
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