Modeling the mid-piacenzian warm climate using the water isotope-enabled Community Earth System Model (iCESM1.2-ITPCAS)

Climate Dynamics
By: , and 



The mid-Piacenzian Warm Period (MPWP, ~ 3.264–3.025 Ma) is the most recent example of a persistently warmer climate in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 concentrations similar to today. Towards studying patterns and dynamics of a warming climate the MPWP is often compared to today. Following the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 2 (PlioMIP2) protocol we prepare a water isotope-enabled Community Earth System Model (iCESM1.2) simulation that is warmer and wetter than the PlioMIP2 multi-model ensemble (MME). While our simulation resembles PlioMIP2 MME in many aspects we find added insights. (1) Considerable warmth at high latitudes exceeds previous simulations. Polar amplification (PA) is comparable to proxies, enabled by iCESM1.2’s high climate sensitivity and a distinct method of ocean initialization. (2) Major driver of warmth is the downward component of clear-sky surface long-wave radiation (Δ𝑇rlds_clearsky

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Modeling the mid-piacenzian warm climate using the water isotope-enabled Community Earth System Model (iCESM1.2-ITPCAS)
Series title Climate Dynamics
DOI 10.1007/s00382-024-07304-0
Edition Online First
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher Springer Nature
Contributing office(s) Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
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