Use of a riverscape-scale model of fundamental physical habitat requirements for freshwater mussels to quantify mussel declines in a mining-contaminated stream: The Big River, Old Lead Belt, Southeast Missouri

Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-147-2022
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The research described in this report was conducted as part of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration process in the Big River. Our purpose was to compare habitat features and landscape factors that may be important for the establishment and persistence of mussel concentrations between the Big River and the adjacent Bourbeuse and Meramec rivers, thereby testing their appropriateness as reference systems for establishing baseline expectations of mussel populations in the absence of mining impacts for the Big River. Based on these comparisons and a published model dileneating suitable habitat for freshwater mussels, we establish expected baseline conditions related to suitable freshwater mussel habitat in the Big River to assist injury determination for mining-related impacts in the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District Natural Resource Damage Assessment case.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype Federal Government Series
Title Use of a riverscape-scale model of fundamental physical habitat requirements for freshwater mussels to quantify mussel declines in a mining-contaminated stream: The Big River, Old Lead Belt, Southeast Missouri
Series title Cooperator Science Series
Series number FWS/CSS-147-2022
Year Published 2022
Language English
Publisher U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Contributing office(s) Coop Res Unit Atlanta
Description ii, 32 p.
Country United States
State Missouri
Other Geospatial Big River watershed, Bourbeuse River watershed
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