A hierarchical approach to fish conservation in semiarid landscapes: A need to understand multiscale environmental relationships

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Edited by: Ram L. RayDionysia Panagoulia, and Nimal Abeysingha



A multiscale perspective is essential for conservation planning of riverine fishes. Coarse-scale habitat (e.g., basis) can influence both finer-scale habitat characteristics (e.g., reaches and microhabitat) and associated species distributions. Finer-scale management and habitat rehabilitation efforts can fail without the consideration of coarser-scale constraints. We provide a conceptual hierarchical framework for multiscale fish conservation strategies in the semiarid Great Plains. The Great Plains stream network is highly fragmented due to dam construction, water withdrawals, and increased drought severity. Our framework uses relationships with basin-scale connectivity and streamflow and reach-scale physicochemical characteristics in the context of aiding species reintroduction and stream habitat improvements.

Publication type Book chapter
Publication Subtype Book Chapter
Title A hierarchical approach to fish conservation in semiarid landscapes: A need to understand multiscale environmental relationships
Chapter 4
DOI 10.5772/intechopen.105602
Year Published 2023
Language English
Publisher IntechOpen
Contributing office(s) Coop Res Unit Atlanta
Larger Work Type Book
Larger Work Subtype Monograph
Larger Work Title River basin management: Under a changing climate
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