Influences of channel and floodplain modification on expansion of woody vegetation into Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, USA

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
By: , and 



Ecosystem structure of wetlands in managed floodplains depends on hydrological processes controlled by geomorphology and water management. Overlapping effects of direct modifications and geomorphic adjustments to management can combine to trigger changes to floodplain ecosystem structure. We examined the case of woody vegetation encroaching into the depressional Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, in the context of regional hydrologic and geomorphic modification in the floodplain of the Mississippi River. Historical aerial photographs indicated woody encroachment into Catahoula Lake for at least 80 years, and the rate of expansion has increased in recent decades. Historical stage analysis revealed that the downstream Red–Atchafalaya–Mississippi River system controls the lower limit of the lake water level when the large rivers are high, but channel enlargement and other hydrological changes there have reduced the frequency of backwater flooding by 42% since 1880. In addition, operation of the water control structure on the lake has altered its hydrological regime to be more regular among years. Historic stage analysis revealed current lake levels are lower in the high-water spring, less variable in the dry period, and lack the extreme high-water events of 100+ years ago, all of which facilitate the expansion of woody vegetation.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Influences of channel and floodplain modification on expansion of woody vegetation into Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, USA
Series title Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
DOI 10.1002/esp.5328
Volume 47
Issue 6
Year Published 2022
Language English
Publisher Wiley
Contributing office(s) Coop Res Unit Atlanta
Description 14 p.
First page 1466
Last page 1479
Country United States
State Louisiana
Other Geospatial Catahoula Lake
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